Map Search

Our Google Chrome extension empowers you to perform quick search for locations on maps.

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A Chrome extension that will save you time

Instant access to maps

Instant access to maps

Just add the word ‘map’ to a query and you'll be taken to a page with a map and the location you're looking for.

Easy to use

Save time opening third-party apps and manually searching for locations.

Instant access to maps
Instant access to maps

Multi-service support

Works with major mapping services - Google Maps, Bing Maps and more.


Find the right place in seconds!

how it works image

Enable the extension

You must keep the extension enabled to activate the search


Enter the query

In the autocomplete bar, start typing the name of the place and add the word ‘map’. For example, ‘London map’ or ‘San Francisco map’.

how it works image
how it works image

Go to map

Once you press Enter, you will be automatically redirected to the map with the given place.